上海特色景点简笔画 (上海特色景点英语介绍)

上海夜店 02-21 阅读:49 评论:0


外滩(The Bund)


The Bund

The Bund is one of the most famous attractions in Shanghai, as well as the iconic architectural group of Shanghai. There are historical European-style buildings here, such as No. 18 the Bund, the HSBC Building, etc. The Bund is known as the "Exhibition of World Architecture," attracting numerous tourists to come and admire.

东方明珠电视塔(Oriental Pearl Tower)


Oriental Pearl Tower

The Oriental Pearl Tower is a landmark building in Shanghai and one of the representative attractions in Shanghai. Its unique shape makes it one of the iconic buildings in Shanghai. From the tower, you can overlook the entire city of Shanghai, enjoying magnificent views.

上海迪士尼乐园(Shanghai Disneyland)


Shanghai Disneyland

Shanghai Disneyland is the only Disney theme park in the world with a Chinese theme. It features a variety of classic Disney characters and many special amusement facilities. Shanghai Disneyland attracts thousands of visitors, especially families.

豫园(Yu Garden)

上海特色景点简笔画 (上海特色景点英语介绍)


Yu Garden

Yu Garden is one of the famous classical gardens in Shanghai, built in the Ming Dynasty and was once a private garden of a wealthy merchant. It features exquisite garden landscapes, ancient buildings, and traditional Chinese garden styles, attracting many tourists to visit.


